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Sehwan Lee, Taeryoung Seol, Geunha Kim, Minyoung Song, Gain Kim, Jong-Hyeok Yoon, Arup K. George, Junghyup Lee, “A 97dB-PSRR 178.4dB-FOMDR Calibration-Free VCO-ΔΣ ADC Using a PVT-Insensitive Frequency-Locked Differential Regulation Scheme for Multi-Channel ExG Acquisition” Proc. IEEE Symp. VLSI Circuits (VLSIC), June. 2024 (One of the world’s 3 top semiconductor conferences)

43 Jiwon Chae, Dongsu Kim, Goeun Pyo, Su Jin Heo, Joonghyun Kim, Kwonsik Shin, Byoung Ok Jun, Hongki Kang, Hyuk-Jun Kwon, Ji-Woong Choi, Junghyup Lee, Jae Eun Jang, “Flexible multi-electrode neural probe using active-matrix design of transistor array,” Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 2024.
42 Su Jin Heo, Jeong Hee Shin, Junghyup Lee, Jae Eun Jang, “Tunneling Transistor with a Stacked Floating Electrode for Current Saturation,” IEEE Electron Device Letters, 2024
41 Jeongyoon Wie, Sangwoo Jung, Taeryoung Seol, Geunha Kim, Sehwan Lee, Homin Jang, Samhwan Kim, Yeonjae Shin, Jae Eun Jang, Jaeha Kung, Arup K. George, Junghyup Lee, "A 3.3-to-11V-Supply-Range 10μW/Ch Arbitrary-Waveform-Capable Neural Stimulator with Output-Adaptive-Self-Bias and Supply-Tracking Schemes in 0.18μm Standard CMOS," IEEE Custom Integrated Circuits Conference (CICC), 2024.

Taeryoung Seol, Sehwan Lee, Geunha Kim, Samhwan Kim, Arup K. George, Junghyup Lee, "A Hybrid Recording System with 10kHz-BW 630mVPP 84.6dB-SNDR 173.3dB-FOMSNDR and 5kHz-BW 114dB-DR for Simultaneous ExG and Biocurrent Acquisition," IEEE Int. Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC), 2024. (The world's top semiconductor conference)


Pangi Park, Junghyup Lee, SeongHwan Cho, "A PVT-Insensitive Sub-Ranging Current Reference Achieving 11.4ppm/°C from -20°C to 125°C," IEEE Int. Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC), 2024. (The world's top semiconductor conference)


Sangwoo Hwang, Yujin Hwang, Duhee Kim, Junhee Lee, Han Kyoung Choe, Junghyup Lee, Hongki Kang, Jaeha Kung, “ReplaceNet: real-time replacement of a biological neural circuit with a hardware-assisted spiking neural network,” Frontiers in Neuroscience, 2023.

37 Hoyong Seong, Donghyun Youn, Injun Choi, Junghyup Lee, Sohmyung Ha, Minkyu Je, “A 0.9 V 2MHz 6.4 x-Slope-Boosted Quadrature-Phase Relaxation Oscillator with 164.2 dBc/Hz FoM and 62.5 ppm Period Jitter in 0.18 μm CMOS,” in Proc. IEEE Custom Integrated Circuits Conference (CICC), 2023.

Geunha Kim, Sehwan Lee, Taeryoung Seol, Seungyeob Baik, Yeonjae Shin, Gain Kim, Jong-Hyeok Yoon, Arup K. George, Junghyup Lee, "1V-Supply 1.85VPP-Input-Range 1kHz-BW 181.9dB-FOMDR 179.4dB-FOMSNDR 2nd-Order Noise-Shaping SAR-ADC with Enhanced Input Impedance in 0.18μm CMOS," IEEE Int. Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC), 2023. (The world's top semiconductor conference)


Taeryoung Seol, Sehwan Lee, Geunha Kim, Samhwan Kim, Euiseong Kim, Seungyeob Baik, Jaeha Kung, Ji-Woong Choi, Arup K. George, Junghyup Lee, "A 1V 136.6dB-DR 4kHz-BW ΔΣ Current-to-Digital Converter with a Truncation-Noise-Shaped Baseline-Servo-Loop in 0.18μm CMOS," IEEE Int. Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC), 2023. (The world's top semiconductor conference)